TProduct Name
Top-openong design ice cream showcase freezer
Toughened glass,Marble, Stainless steel
cooler display ice creeam ,dessert, ice-lolly
Product performance description
The showcase are designed to lit the different for ice cream (Popsicle) trays and ice cream barrel that customers need.
Ice cream tray sizer:360*250*80mm and 360*165*118mm
Popsicle tray sizes:325*265*60mm and 325*176*60 mm
Ice cream barrel sizes:D220*H140mm
Product usage introduction
Description of product use effect
The super View our new showcase ,shows the ice cream in a unique way as the inclined an the transperatent bowls offer in the ice
cream the perfect three-dimensional view in addition,the frant ligting further strwngthens the ice cream thus attracting the eye
of tghe customer even at a great distamce the eye,it also catches the eyeof the customer.