butyl rubber waterproofing sealing tape with aluminium foil
Product Description
butyl rubber waterproofing sealing tape with aluminium foil and a rubber adhesive. The adhesive forms a strong waterproof seal by the simply pressing the tape into place by hand.
Replaces need for lead flashing.
Self-adhesive - requires no separate glue.
Areas For Use
General repair to existing flashing.
Flashing bituminous felt and similar roofs.
Flashing parapet walls.
Sealing roof glazing.
Replacement off lost lead flashing.
Repairs to cracks in concrete.
Repairs to lead gutters.
Sealing capping bolts in roof sheets.
Sealing roof ridges.
Protective coating to insulation materials.
Sealing projections through roofs and similar sections.
Flashing between timber and brickwork or blockwork or blockwork cavities.
Flashing of skylights
Prime porous surfaces with butyl rubber waterproofing sealing tape
Do not apply to damp surfaces.
In cold weather or storage conditions, adhesion may be reduced. Bring up to temperature or heat bitumen adhesive layer with a hot air blower to improve adhesion.
Surface Preparation
All surfaces must be dry, sound and free from oil, grease and dust Remove all loose material by scraper or wire brush.
Cut to the required length. Peel beck approximately 5cm of release carrier and place the tape into position. Continue removing the release carrier whilst firmly placing the tape to avoid unnecessary creasing. Ensure intimate contact and that no air is trapped. Using a small roller ensure that all edges and overlaps are sealed properly. Overlaps should be at least 25mm.
Store in original container in cool dry conditions. Keep away from sources of ignition.
Shelf Life
12 months from date of manufacture in tightly sealed, undamaged containers.
The technical data contained herein is based on our present knowledge and experience and we cannot be held liable for any errors, inaccuracies, omissions or editorial failings that result from technological changes or research between the date of issue of this document and the date the product is acquired. Before using the product, the user should carry out any necessary tests in order to ensure that the product is suitable for the intended application. Moreover, all users should contact the seller or the manufacturer of the product for additional technical information concerning its use if they think that the information in their possession needs to be clarified in any way, whether for normal use or a specific application of our product. Our guarantee applies within the context of the statutory regulations and provisions in force, current professional standards and in accordance with the stipulations set out in our general sales conditions. The information detailed in the present technical data sheet is given by way of indication and is not exhaustive. The same applies to any information provided verbally by telephone to any prospective or existing customer.