Pailox is one of the professional luggage & bags manufacturers in China. We are an ISO9001 quality system certification factory. Founded in 2012, have 10 years of OEM&ODM production experience.
We have 4 branches of a factory in China: Dongguan, Guangzhou Baoding, and Jiaxing, With more than 300 employees and 21,000 square meters of factory area, our monthly production capacity can be up to 50,000 Pcs. Supported by creative designing, advanced equipment, and strong production capacity, our product is widely used in online retail, Supermarkets, and Brand holders, and successfully exported to Europe, America, and Southeast Asia.
With excellent industrial designs and product development capabilities, Pailox has now applied for 2 PCT international patents, 27 National Utility Model Patents, and 5 copyrights and holds 4 major registered brands of economies of Europe, the United States, Hong Kong, and mainland China.
To step with the rapid development of the global economy and information technology, Pailox will based on China, Go toward the world. With our wisdom, vision, innovation, and responsibility, Idea will lead the development of the Case & Bags industrial.