Product Name
Musang King, Raja Kunyit
Quality Number
Each durian 0.5kg to 4.5kg (± 0.1kg)
A Fruit - based on durian shape (Grade 1 or higher)
Amount of Fruit Flesh
4 pieces of pulp or more
View sth from the outside
Durian without cracked shells, defects and/or damages that do not affect overall appearance
Over 1.4 kilograms per durian
(Since durian is a natural fruit, the quality of supply may vary and there may be more than 1.2 kilograms of durian) Not
more than 5% of durian may not meet the standard of A-fruit, but can meet the standard of B-fruit
B Fruit - based on durian shape (class 2 or 1 etc.)
Amount of Fruit Flesh
2 to 4 pieces of pulp
View sth from the outside
Minor defects and/or damages, including cracked shells, as long as they do not affect the appearance and quality or the flesh of
the durian fruit. |
0.7 kg to 1.4 kg per durian or may exceed 1.4 kg.
Not more than 5% of the durian may not meet the criteria for B-fruit, but can meet the criteria for C-fruit.