Nitrile Rubbrt
■Good oil and fuel resistance
■High tensile strength
■Low swelling in water
■Poor weather and ozine resistance
■Poor resistance against polar lkuids
■Poor resistance against clhydrocarbon
■Poor resistance against aromatic fluids
Fluorinated Rubber
■The resistance against oil and fuels is better than other types
■The only highly elastic rubber whice is resistance to aromatci and chlornated hydrocarbons
■Exccllcent hcat resistance
■Exccllcent weather and ozonc resistance
■Exccllcent acid resistance
■Low swelling in water
■Limited cold flexibliity
■Limited tensile and tear strength
■Limited wear resistance
■High compression set in hot water
■Poor resistance to polaric solvents
Polyacrylate Rubber
■Good oil and fuels resistance
■Good weater and ozone resistance
■Not usable in contact with water and water solutions
■Limited cold flexibility
■Limited tensile strength and tear resistance
■Poor wear reisistance
■Poor resistance against polar and aromatic and chlorinared hydrocarhons
Silicone Rubber
■Best heat resistance of all rubber types
■Excellent low temp resistance of all rubber types ■Excellent weather and ozone resistance |
■Poor tensile and tear strength
■Poor wear resistance
■Sensitive to hydrolysis
■Poor resistance against aromatic oils and oxidized mineral oils
■Poor diffusion resistance