3 square meters = 220 cm (width) x 140 cm (height) (7'3" x 4'7") feet
4 square meters = 250 cm (width) x 160 cm (height) (8'2" x 5'3") feet
5 square meters = 280 cm (width) x 180 cm (height) (9'2" x 5'11") feet
6 square meters = 300 cm (width) x 200 cm (height) (9'10" x 6'7") feet
7 square meters = 330 cm (width) x 210 cm (height) (10'10" x 6'11") feet
8 square meters = 360 cm (width) x 230 cm (height) (11'10" x 7'6") feet
9 square meters = 380 cm (width) x 240 cm (height) (12'5" x 7'10") feet
10 square meters = 400 cm (width) x 250 cm (height) (13'1" x 8'2") feet
11 square meters = 420 cm (width) x 260 cm (height) (13'9''8'6''x) feet
12 square meters = 440 cm (width) x 270 cm (height) (14'5" x 8'10") feet
13 square meters = 460 cm (width) x 280 cm (height) (15'1" x 9'2") feet
14 square meters = 480 cm (width) x 290 cm (height) (15'9''9'6''x) feet
15 square meters = 500 cm (width) x 300 cm (height) (16'5" x 9'10") feet
16 square meters = 500 cm (width) x 320 cm (height) (16'5" x 10'6") feet
If you need 10 square meters of wallpaper, please select "number 10" here. At the same time, mark the width and height of the wall details below the order.
Please note:
If we do not receive the wall size provided by you (the buyer) within 48 hours
, we will produce according to the default size.
2:The website price is only 1 square meter. Wallpaper murals of any size can be applied to any pattern. Personalized wallpaper contains many parts. This is not a complete wallpaper. It is divided into many parts, so it is suitable for international transportation. Hope you can understand, thank you.
3:There is no glue or dust on the back of the wallpaper. Before making wallpaper, please prepare glue or powder paste.
4:Any import costs will be borne by the buyer. We do not bear any tariffs.