With the Magnetic Charging Dock, you can charge your device in the right position, easy to place and take out. One full charge can
support up to 500 measurements.
Heart rate range
30 to 250 BPM
ECG length
30 seconds to 5 minutes
In-App storage
Wireless connectivity
Bluetooth 4.0
App for iOS
iOS 9.0 or above, iPhone 4s/iPad 3 or above
App for Android
Android 5.0 or above, with Bluetooth 4.0 BLE
92×32×8.2 mm (main unit)
26.8g (main unit)
Charge time
2 -3 hours
Micro-USB connector
Battery run time
>500 checks
Device built-in storage
10 sessions, if ECG length is less than 1
minute; 4 session if ECG length is 5 minutes